Firefighter One Course

Under Development

Firefigher One (F1) Course

The F1 course is the intermediate course for a Fire pathway. F1 is also used as an advanced course in many Public Safety Pathways.

This course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge and skills essential for entry-level positions in firefighting and related emergency services. Participants will learn about fire prevention, basic firefighting techniques, equipment operation, and emergency response procedures.

Instructional Plans & Resources

LAPSEN Unit Plans

LAPSEN will have a complete course (120-150 hours) of unit lesson plans available to members – Fall of 2024

Other Lesson Plan Sources

California Educators Together– The great state of California has an insane amount of resources and lessons. Be sure to search with different key words. You do have to have an account – but they give them to all teachers: Click Here

Texas CTE Lesson Plans – They have some materials for Law & Public Safety: Click Here



E-Fire Academy – Tons of stuff, plus training pages. Helped me in my first year of Fire! Click Here 

International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) – Textbook is great. Support materials are solid. Click Here 

Applications of Firefighting Lesson Plans – From Georgia around 2014. Complete lessons: Click Here

Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) for this Course



MicroCredentials (MC) for this Course

All MicroCredentials are being developed and should be ready in 2024. 

National Firefighter One Course Standards

Under development 

Working Course Objectives:

Introduction to Fire Service:

Explore the history, organization, and structure of fire departments.
Understand the roles and responsibilities of firefighters within the community.

Firefighter Safety and Wellness:

Learn about personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety protocols.
Understand the importance of physical fitness, mental wellness, and nutrition in the firefighting profession.

Fire Behavior and Prevention:

Study the science of fire, including its behavior, stages, and characteristics.
Explore fire prevention strategies and public education initiatives.

Fire Equipment and Tools:

Familiarize students with the various tools and equipment used by firefighters.
Provide hands-on experience in the proper use and maintenance of firefighting gear.

Basic Fire Suppression Techniques:

Introduce basic firefighting techniques, including hose handling, nozzle operation, and fire extinguishment methods.
Practice fire attack strategies in controlled training scenarios.

Emergency Medical Response:

Learn basic first aid and emergency medical response techniques relevant to firefighting.
Understand the importance of providing initial medical assistance at emergency scenes.

Search and Rescue Operations:

Explore search and rescue techniques in various firefighting scenarios.
Learn how to safely locate and evacuate individuals in hazardous conditions.

Incident Command System (ICS):

Understand the principles of ICS and its application in managing emergency incidents.
Learn about roles and responsibilities within the incident command structure.

Firefighter Ethics and Professionalism:

Discuss the ethical considerations and professional conduct expected of firefighters.
Explore the importance of community engagement and public relations.

Training Exercises:

Participate in training exercises under controlled and supervised conditions.
Apply theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during the course in realistic scenarios.