New Teacher Orientation 

Your First Year!

Transitioning from Law and Public Safety (LPS) to the classroom is at best stressful – at worst feeling like you are in a dystopian novel. In LPS there tends to be clear lines of command, written policy and training – usually with a training officer. In public schools – we throw you in a room, give you keys and say “Good Luck!

This is where LAPSEN has stepped in! We want you to access your network – LAPSEN (the N in LAPSEN is literally “Network“). In our first meeting we will cover the basics of public education and bring you up to speed on what is going on. Dr. Thomas Washburn, the Executive Director of LAPSEN, will help you put everything in perspective plus give great tips from his three decades teaching in LPS. Then each week will have some of the best LPS teachers from various pathways share with your their wisdom and tricks of the trade. If you finish the NTO we give you a free year membership in LAPSEN!

Once all interested teachers are registered we will try to find the best time for the sessions. 

We have four sessions – orientation to Career Tech, overview of teaching law and public safety, classroom tips, and much more. 

2023 NTO

Session 1 – Best Practices in the LPS Classroom

Wednesday 9/27 @ 4pm EST

Holly Scroggs  view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 2 – Welcome to CTE & Law & Public Safety

Wednesday 10/04 @ 4pm EST

Dr. Tom Washburn view Linkedin

Click Here to view

Session 3 – Don’t Just Survive – Thrive: How I Made it!

Wednesday 10/11 @ 4pm EST

Bridgette Brownview Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 4 – Be the G.O.A.T. of Career & Technical Education

Wednesday 10/18 @ 4pm EST

Lisa Funderburk – view Linkedin

Click Here to view (there was technical diffuculties – check back)

2022 NTO Archive

Session 1 – Overview of CTE & LPS

Dr. Tom Washburn view Linkedin

Click Here to view

Session 3 – Classroom Techniques, Tricks and Tips

Lisa Funderburk – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 2 – Planning for the Best Lessons

Josh Clark view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 4 – Lessons from My First Year!

Linnell Burtonview Linkedin

Click Here to view

2021 NTO Archive

Session 1 – Overview of CTE & LPS

Dr. Tom Washburn – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 3 – Classroom 102

Dr. Tom Washburn – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 2 – Classroom 101

Dr. Tom Washburn – view Linkedin

Click Here to View

Session 4 – Classroom Tech that Rocks

Lisa Funderburk

Click Here to View

Link for Tech Tools Padlet – Click Here

2020 NTO Archive

Session 1 – Overview of CTE & LPS

Dr. Tom Washburn – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 2 – Be the GOAT

Jama Cochrane – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Session 3 – Lessons Learned & Lesson Plans

Officer Tim Hart  – view Linkedin

Click Here to view 

Click Here to get the files Tim shared

Session 4 – Wrapping it Up

Dr. Tom Washburn – view Linkedin

Click Here to view