School Districts, Secondary Schools (Public and Private) and Individual Career Programs

This is primarily for those programs and schools whose state has not joined LAPSEN, although some schools may choose to join separately even if their state is part of LAPSEN. Those choosing to be a partner with LAPSEN will receive the following benefits:

  • Involvement in LAPSEN policy.
  • Planning and development.
  • E-newsletters.
  • 10% discounts on LAPSEN conferences, workshops, and specialized meetings.
  • Any employee may join and access to the members-only section of the website which includes lesson plans and resources. 
  • The ability to apply for membership in the Training & Technical Assistance Group (TTAG).
  • Participation in the forum.
  • The option to run for a voting position on the Board as a Cohort Representative.


Contribution: $300

For more information email