Non-Profit Professional Associations

Any non-profit having an interest in criminal justice, fire service, law or related public safety programs may be a contributor to LAPSEN and receive the following benefits:

  • Involvement in LAPSEN policy.
  • Planning and development.
  • E-newsletters.
  • 10% discounts on LAPSEN conferences.
  • Workshop and specialized meetings.
  • Access to the members-only section of the website.
  • The option to run for a voting Board position as a Cohort Representative.

Those organizations wanting to participate with LAPSEN will enter into a mutually beneficial agreement in which the two organizations will agree to exchange specific services and/or support. Such reciprocal exchanges may include sharing website information, informing members of conferences and projects in which they may be interested, participating in projects and grants, and or sharing of newsletters among members. In lieu of contributing services, an organization may contribute funds to a specific project or general area of interest. Either approach has to be approved by the LAPSEN Board.)

If interested contact LAPSEN at