Welcome to the Law and Public Safety Education Network – LAPSEN

We are a national non-profit association representing the career and technical education instructors, administrators and partnering professionals who focus on the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (LPSCS) Career Cluster. LAPSEN was founded to help instructors and others make a real difference in students’ lives. We provide resources, professional development, and connections to help them be more effective.

If you teach law and public safety, welcome to YOUR network!

Get our newsletter!

One teacher said, “it was my survival kit my first year and now it is like Christmas each month!”

Updates and Announcements 

New Legal Services Pathway!

The new pathway is ready! 600 hours of lesson plans!

Click Here to go to the pathway

National Conference

This December in San Antonio we will host the best LPS conference ever!

Click Here to Learn More

New Teacher Orientation!

First – Third year teachers – We have an awesome training for you!

Click Here to Learn More

Youth to Career LPS Pipeline

LAPSEN, agencies and schools nationwide are working to resolve the hiring crisis. 

Click Here to go to our Pipeline Project

Learn about LAPSEN

Our booklet on LASPEN will explain what we do, what we offer, and why you want to be a part! 

Click Here to Learn More

SkillsUSA Competitions

We had the best competitions ever! Congrats to all who made it & competed!

Click Here to see pics

Pathway & Course Resources

Looking for courses, standards, resources, lesson plan or help in general?

You are in the right place! LAPSEN is a network, meaning we are all here working together. 

Click on the pathway or content area:

Ready to join YOUR network?

LPS Student Participants

State Members

Network Programs

Affiliated States

Hours of Lesson Plans

LAPSEN National Conference






