Industry Recognized Student Credentials

The Whole Package 

LAPSEN designs Industry Recognized Credentials with the needs of schools in the forefront of planning. They are designed to satisfy Perkins requirements for LPS CTE programs. They can also serve as “End of Pathway” and course assessments.

First, we reach out to industry and professional associations. We want to make sure that every part will align students to the needs of the LPS industry. We do this to identify the knowledge and skills industry desires in entry level employees.

Second, we design the credential. In instances where industry credential instruments exist, we do a thorough evaluation to make sure it matches educational standards and aligns with secondary level expectations.  The credential goes through intense validation and scrutiny during a rigorous piloting process using secondary students.

Third, we then take the industry identified concepts and knowledge as a basis to update national course standards. Many of the existing national standards are over ten years old. The new LAPSEN national courses and standards reflect current industry demands.

Fourth, once the credential is crafted, LAPSEN identifies some of the best educators in the pathway. We seek those with both vast industry experience as well as proven educational expertise. They are charged with creating support curriculum and lesson plans for classroom implementation that will 1) produce a top notch entry level employee and 2) prepare the student to succeed in the credentialing process. These materials are made available to all LAPSEN members as well as teachers completing the train the trainer process.

Fifth, we make sure instructors are prepared to equip students for success in the credential process. Teachers must demonstrate prior knowledge in that field through education and/or experience in the specific public safety field. Some LAPSEN associated credentials require teachers to hold specific certifications. Most require instructors to complete a train the trainer course. LAPSEN has worked with credentialing bodies to keep costs minimal, efficiently use teacher time in training and with delivery options, all while properly preparing teachers to ensure student success.

Finally, after a school implements these courses and corresponding credentials, LAPSEN will continuously offer support through training, seminars, regional convocations and at national conferences.

Recognized Credentials 

Accredited Legal Professional 

Click Here to Learn More

Basic Crime Scene Investigator 

Click Here to Learn More

Basic Detention Officer 

In Development – Click Here to Learn More Protection Officer

Click Here to Learn More

ESRI ArcGIS Drone2Map Certification

Click Here to Learn More

Law and Public Safety Introductory Level Competency

Click Here to Learn More

National Basic 9-1-1 Dispatch Certification

Click Here to Learn More

NFPA sUAS Drone Operator Certification

Click Here to Learn More

National Law Enforcement Certification

Click Here to Learn More

Orders, Quotes and Invoices 

Scholastic Testing and Credential Certifications

All of our testing partners offer their tests through a single platform for the convienence of educators. Scholastic Testing and Credential Certifications (STACC) offers the platform flexibility we need. You can find all the LAPSEN IRCs there.

Visit STACC –

Accomodations & Retest 

Accomodations: STAC can add accommodations for the LAPSEN IRC exams. Email for more information 

Overall retest/remediation policy: If a student fails their first attempt they may retest up to two more times provided the school follows these protocols. Schools may be more restrictive, allowing less (or no) retests, if they choose. It is expected schools will work with students and prepare them for the test – not simply take the test again. 

  • First Retest – May be taken as early as the next school day. Schools may wait longer if they prefer. Students should be provided a review with the instructor prior to retest. The cost to retest is the same as the regular test price.
  • Second Retest – Should the student fail the second attempt, the student must wait at least one calendar week before testing again. Schools may wait longer if they prefer. It is imperative that the school works with the student to ensure the student understands the material and is prepared. The cost to retest is the same as the regular test price.
  • Third Failure – If a student fails the third testing, the student cannot test again without retaking the course.


Most of the Industry Recognized Credentials assess knowledge. LAPSEN skill certificates are more focused on performance proficiency. These testify that the holder of the skill certificates has been assessed using an industry approved rubric or evaluation tool and demonstrated proficiency. These can be listed on resumes, Linkedin, and similar career marketing material. The skill certificates will also print with all the credentials on record.

MicroCredentials are currently under development. Estimated availability – late Fall/early Winter. Some samples are below.

Some skill certificates will match existing industry skill sets such as National Registry psychomotor examinations. Other pathways. such as legal services, will need development which LAPSEN will collaborate with the industry to create. 

Instructors or school industry partners will evaluate student performance. LAPSEN is creating an online credential management system schools can use to manage student achievements. Once in place, instructors will upload student credentials and skill certificates for students to be able to access as needed.