LAPSEN Memberships

Why Join LAPSEN?

The reasons for joining LAPSEN typical revolve around the organization you are associated with. The organizations that choose to partner with LAPSEN are typically state education departments, non-profit associations, post secondary institutions, secondary schools, and for profit businesses. Individuals whose organizations have not joined may also become members.

How to Join LAPSEN

State DOE and CTAE Sections – Click Here

Departments of education and CTE units join LAPSEN because they want to partner with other LAPSEN members to develop curriculum and related resources. Each member state also allows all its LPSCS instructors and administrators to become members and thus access curriculum and network with others around the country. There are partnering options for states with varying numbers of LPSCS career programs at the secondary school level.

Post-Secondary Education – Click Here

Post-secondary education institutions join because they often offer LPSCS courses to secondary school students or want to increase what they offer. By partnering with LAPSEN they also can participate in curriculum development and will have access to curriculum already developed. As with all partners they can register their instructors and administrators as members thus making them eligible for an array of benefits.

Non-Profit Associations – Click Here

Non-profit professional associations partner with LAPSEN so that the resources of both organizations can be mutually shared. For the partnering non-profit the resources they offer can be made more widely known to LAPSEN members. They also partner so that they too can have input into LAPSEN policy and planning. There is no cost for non-profits as the non-profit and LAPSEN enter into an agreement to share certain resources and information with each other’s members.

School Districts, Schools (public & private) & Career Programs

School districts, schools (public and private), and individual career programs typically join when their state is not a member. By joining they too can register their instructors and administrators to receive all of LAPSEN benefits including access to the curriculum used by all the LPSCS pathways.

For-Profit Organizations – Click Here

For-Profit organizations join because they believe that they have products or services that would be of use to LAPSEN members–primarily LPSCS instructors and administrators. To become a member, however, at least one state has to sponsor the for-profit and at least two career programs have to be using their products or services successfully.

Individuals – Click Here

There is also an individual option. Individual become members because their state or school has not yet become a member. These individuals want to have access to the same resources that schools and states provide the instructors and administrators that they register.

Agencies – Click Here

Law and public safety agencies are a critical element of connecting our youth to careers. Any LPS agency can join LAPSEN at no cost. An MOU may be established to identify areas of partnership. This cohort will elect a voting Board Member to represent them in Board matters

Membership Benefits

Most educators are looking for our curriculum and lesson plans, but in reality, there is so much more to being a LAPSEN member. Joining at any level is supporting the primary national organization that is supporting you, your program, and your students.


  • Newsletters
  • 10% discounts on LAPSEN conferences, workshops, and specialized meetings
  • Access to the members-only section of the website – unit plans, lessons, and resources
  • The option to apply to join the Training & Technical Assistance Group – T.T.A.G.
  • The option to apply to join sections that support the Board 

LAPSEN NECI Instructor Training

For NECI Instructor Training registration, members can use the code below to get your $100 discount

Member code: neci100

Workshops & Specialized Meetings

Members can use the membership code for our workshops to get 10% off.

Member code: train10

Director of Member Experience 

Savannah Buckhalter – 

Reach out to Savannah with any questions.