Are proud to offer the Certified Youth Instructor (CYI) recognizing the best in law enforcement youth training, education, and mentoring
What are the benefits of becoming a Certified Youth Instructor?
Being a Certified Youth Instructor (CYI) brings instant recognition as being one of the best of instructors or advisors working with youth. Granted in partnership with IADLEST, no certification carries more prestige in youth law enforcement training and mentorship. Designed to recognize high school and technical college educators as well as cadet advisors, CYIs get access to a vast platform of IADLEST resources and materials to bolster their resources and positively impact their instructional content.

CYIs get access to the National Law Enforcement Academy Resource Network (NLEARN). This is the repository of lesson plans, videos, resources and guides used by all 50 states’ academies.
There are lessons in every possible subject area you would ever want to present to your students or cadets. From Teslas as police cars to homicide investigations. These are designed for acadamies – so you get state of the art for your youth!

Training Programs
CYIs get access to a plethora of instructional materials. Content from NHSTA, US DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, IACP, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Railroad Administration (just to name a few) are available on NLEARN.
CYIs can use these materials directly with their students or cadets. Some training programs lead to certifications.

Director Magazine
CYIs get a subscription to the Standards and Training Director Magazine designed for POST and academy staff. It keeps a CYI on top of training trends and ideas.
A recent edition featured Socratic Method, Operation Lifesaver, Cognitive Load Theory and several articles on simulators. The exact content you need to maximize your student and cadet program.

IADLEST Newsletter
CYIs get a weekly newsletter updating you on new resources in the NLEARN network as well as links to relevant articles and items in the news that you can use to stay current.
A recent edition talked about the National Decertification Index, training at FLETC briefs, data driven policing and much more.

Monthly Webinar
CYIs are a part of the IADLEST family, which means access to just about everything IADLEST offers the nations’ POST and academy staffs.
You are part of a closed network with access to the things your students and cadets need to be prepared for their future.

Honors & Recognition
Certified Youth Instructor status demonstrates your commitment to the highest standards of youth education, training, and mentorship. It is one of the highest recognitions in the industry.
In addition to your photo and pio being added to the CYI Wall of Fame, you will receive a certificate, lapel pin, and digital badge suitable for an email signature.

International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST)
IADLEST is a national organization of training agencies. Your state’s POST is most likely an active member.
IADLEST’s mission is to support the innovative development of professional standards in public safety through research, development, collaboration and sharing of information, to assist states and international partners with establishing effective and defensible standards for the employment and training of public safety personnel.
IADLEST is an association of standards and training managers and leaders. Its primary focus is criminal justice standards and training. To the extent that the focus and the values promoted thereby can be furthered and shared, all training professionals are welcome as members.
Learn more about IADLEST – Click Here
What are the Requirements to become a Certified Youth Instructor?
Complete the Certified Youth Instructor Application.
- Submit a current resume outlining your specific law enforcement teaching and curriculum development law enforcement experience indicating more than three (3) years of teaching experience in the law enforcement/public safety field as pertains to youth (ages 14-20).
- Include an instructional bio, not to exceed 500 words, and a professional photo. These items will be displayed on the IADLEST CYI Instructor webpage after certification is granted.
- Submit an endorsement from your School Principal, Program Director or a Law Enforcement Administrator OR three (3) letters of recommendation from Law Enforcement CEOs attesting to your skills and abilities as a youth instructor. They will be contacted as a part of the verification process.
- Submit one lesson plan that you have developed, modified or used that can be shared with other instructors around the country.
- Pay a $50 application fee. ($40 for renewals) Initial certification and renewals are for a term of two years.
If you have questions about the certification program you may contact Leah Besonen via EMAIL, or phone: 208-288-5491