
State Representative: Maren Hansen

  • Education Specialist Health Science, Personal Services & Protective Services – Utah State Board of Education
  • maren.hansen@schools.utah.gov
  • (801) 538-7535


State Membership

If you are a Utah LPS instructor or administrator your LAPSEN membership is already paid for by the state membership. To join follow the steps below. Note: you must have a valid Utah address and work for a system in Utah.

  1. To join follow the steps here – Click Here.
  2. You will need your state code to discount your membership fee. State member code: ut2022
  3. Complete all the information and place order

Law and Public Safety

  1. Protective Services
    1. Corrections
    2. Law Enforcement
    3. Criminal Justice
    4. Criminal Law
    5. Fire Science
  2. Health Science
    1. Emergency Medical Technician
    2. Emergency Medical Response

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