Connecting Youth to Law Enforcement – Developing the Pipeline
November 28 & 29, 2023 ~ Phoenix, Arizona
It Started with a DOJ COPS Grant
In 2020, the RAND Corporation, partnering with the Law and Public Safety Educational Network (LAPSEN), an educational nonprofit that supports Law and Public Safety (LPS) education nationwide, was awarded a Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant to work on identifying all the youth programs in the country that prepare young people for careers in the LPS fields (click here to view the project). The goals were to develop 1) a directory of the various youth programs, 2) a guide for developing or improving them and 3) a support system for agencies desiring assistance and advice to do so.
LAPSEN, in collaboration with numerous local, state and federal agencies, is building a pipeline to facilitate this goal. LAPSEN is hosting the National Law and Public Safety Career Connections Conference to launch this initiative. You need to be there.
Building a Pipeline
80,000+ new hires are needed in LPS EACH year to replace retirees and attrition
140,000+ estimated current openings in LPS agencies nationwide
391,000+ students enrolled in high school LPS programs nationwide
25%-50% of these students plan to pursue a LPS career
320,000+ enrolled in technical college LPS programs nationwide
30,000+ youth enrolled in local cadet, Public Safety Cadet or Explorer type programs
0 – the number of national pipelines directing these young people to LPS careers – until now
Supporting Agencies and Groups

Agency Recruitment
Presentations, panels and brainstorming sessions focused on sharing best practices as well as collaboration on new potential initiatives. Work Based Learning coordinators from school systems will also participate.
Youth Preparation
Public Safety Cadets, Explorers Posts, and programs unique to departments will be present and have sessions. There will also be sessions on how to implement, grow, and improve such offerings. Some sessions in the education track would be appropriate for youth program advisors in improving designing content and activities at youth meetings.
Educational Programs
This track is the traditional LAPSEN national conference track. Sessions on high school and technical college programs, SkillsUSA, pathway design, teaching strategies and other content relevant to those working with students in educational settings.
Conference Details
The National Law and Public Safety Career Connections Conference is a part of the LAPSEN National Conference which is held in conjunction with the ACTE Vision Conference. Attendees should sign up for the LAPSEN National Conference. For all hotel, travel and similar information, reference the LASPEN National Conference. Registration for all LAPSEN National Conference events is handled by ACTE.
Click Here to sign up for the conference
Call for Speakers and Proposals
Do you have an successful recruitment program at your agency? Does your department do something with a high school program that is unique? Do you have a great way to teach young people? We are looking for session content in each area 1) education programs 2) youth preparation and/or 3) agency recruitment.
Click Here to submit your proposal.
You can also email for more information.

Post Conference Publication
One of our main goals is to consolidate the materials presented and the ideas created into a document that can be shared with LPS agencies detailing how to build local pipelines for consistent recruitment. LAPSEN will also work with other entities to implement connectivity in establishing a national platform.