National Industry Certified Programs of Excellence (ICPE)
formerly known as Nationally Accredited Programs
Identifying the Best LPS Programs in America
America needs the best Law and Public Safety (LPS) programs to serve our communities. Our students deserve it. Our agencies depend upon it. The LAPSEN Program of Excellence process is designed to make the best better. Applicant programs will demonstrate competencies across several standards in the course of a year. LAPSEN specialists assist applicant programs throughout the year with training, guides and mentorship.
National Programs of Excellence receive a special plaque to place outside the main door to their classroom, a Program of Excellence banner, as well as other recognition.
Does your program have what it takes? Learn more about the process – click here.
Sign up to be updated on announcements for the Program of Excellence (such as deadlines, applications, etc.) – click here.
Welcome Our Newest Programs!
Academy of Careers and Exploration
A Health and Public safety Academy in Helendale
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
NOCROP La Habra High School
Emergency Response Pathway in La Habra
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
La Puente High School
Public Safety Pathway in La Puente
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
NOCROP Los Alamitos High School
Emergency Medical Technician Pathway in Los Alamitos
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
Murrieta Valley High School – Fire Science
Fire Science & Emergency Medical Pathway in Murrieta
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
Murrieta Valley High School Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Pathway in Murrieta
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
San Marcos High School
Criminal Justice Pathway in San Marcos
Visit their ICPE Application to learn more – Click Here
See All the ICPE Programs
Visit the Hall of Fame – Click Here
Here is more about how we evaluate our programs. More detail is available by clicking on the “tabs.”.
- Organization and Administration
- Instructional Staff
- Facilities, Equipment & Safety
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Student Preparation
- Advisory Committee, Industry and Community
Standard – Instruction must be systematic and reflect the program goals. Marketing and recruitment are critical to program strength and viability. Policies for managing resources and budgets are crucial to good stewardship
- List district CTAE mission as well as district mission
- How is your program supporting both mission statements?
- List the goals and objectives for your program
- 1 year, 3 year and long term
- If the teacher is on State Extended Day through the Georgia Department of Education, provide a copy of the Annual Plan/Program of Work that is submitted through
- If the teacher is on Local Extended Day, submit the annual plan that is required by the local school system.
- The current student/instructor ratio appropriate for teaching occupational skills
- Class schedule
- Number of students enrolled in each class
- Number of students with an IEP, 504 and/or ESL
- Number of instructors (include resource teachers)
- The program is promoted within the school, school system, and to prospective students.
- Describe the process your training program uses in the selection of new students.
- Describe your in-school promotional activities such as exhibits, bulletin boards, posters, brochures, school announcements, school websites, etc.
- Describe your marketing plan to reach outside of your school
- Contact is made with middle school students about the LPS program at the high school.
- Brochures, recruitment activities, career fairs, visits to feeder schools
- Website – is it current, maintained and updated?
- Describe how you work with administration and counseling to ensure your program is marketed properly
- State the written policy for the allocation and control of training expenditures.
- Describe the budgeting procedure for your program
- Copy of your program’s approved local budget
- What system is in place for making decisions about consumables, course content, software, equipment, and/or instructional support materials.
Standard – The instructional staff must maintain technical competency, meet the requirements to be an approved instructor and meet all state and local requirements for accreditation.
- Instructional Competency/Accreditation
- Does the instructor meet all state certifying requirements?
- The high school LPS teacher is an active member of ACTE, LAPSEN and SkillsUSA
- List documentation
- List all current industry certifications and instructor certifications
- Documentation of participation in professional development for the past three years
- documented in CTAERN or provide proof of training attended.
- Copy of your personal/professional plan for continuing education
- List conferences you plan to attend in the next calendar year
Standard – Equipment used in the training program must be of the type and quality found to provide training to meet the program goals and performance objectives. The facilities must be appropriate for the variety of learning activities which occur in the LPS classrooms.
- The LPS lab and/or classroom are equipped with updated and functional equipment per GA DOE requirements as reflected on the inventory
- A locally or teacher developed long range equipment replacement plan is available.
- Consumable materials and supplies are sufficient and appropriate for teaching the curriculum
- Industry certification funds were spent according to the guidelines.
- Adequate storage area is available to support activities outlined in the program goals.
- The storage area is used for the intended purposes.
- A locked storage area is available.
- Storage areas are clean and organized
- Layout/Floor Plan/Space
- The classroom is clean, orderly and reflective of an efficient environment for learning.
- The layout of the LPS classroom is suitable for large/small group, team and individual high school student work.
- The square footage of the classroom meets or exceeds state recommendations.
- Each teacher is assigned a conveniently located, furnished, and equipped area (office) for planning, confidential record keeping, private consultation, and administration.
- In programs with multiple teachers, more space is available to properly accommodate teaching, learning and class preparation.
- Appropriate, up-to-date multi-media equipment and hardware such as flip charts, LCD projectors, “Smart Boards,” speakers, interactive projectors, digital cameras, video cameras, DVD players and writers, tablets and other emerging instructional technologies are readily available to the classroom.
- High school students use classroom computers, tablets and other available media to complete program objectives.
- Personal safety equipment policy for laboratory (i.e. safety glasses, fire extinguishers, PPE )
- Forensic labs follow district standards for lab safety
- Accident report form
- Students and staff are aware of emergency procedures
- Chemicals/combustibles are located and stored properly
- Telephone access is reasonably available to the instructor
- Classroom and laboratory are clean and organized
- Classroom and laboratory meet all state and federal safety requirements (OSHA, NIOSH, etc.)
- Policy for student check-out of equipment
- Tools and equipment mirror what is used in industry appropriate to skills being taught
Standard – Courses should be aligned with state and national standards. Instruction utilizes best practice pedagogy. Lessons prepare students to be excellent entry level employees and capable of success in industry aligned credentials.
- Instructor Showcase – for each course taught in the LPS Program:
- A minimum of three teacher created lesson plans including developmentally appropriate practices and experiences supported by at least three examples of assessed student work relating to the three lesson plans. Lesson plans should detail instruction and match GPS standards.
- For programs with multiple instructors, both instructors must submit showcase materials, but not necessarily three from each course per instructor.
- Provide a syllabus for each course
- Class rules, class policy, grading policy
- State your written policy for re-testing upon failure of written or performance tests.
- The program is using the GADOE curriculum and a scope and sequence is provided for each course
- Courses are designed so that students can complete all the requirements for a career pathway in LPS within 3 years.
- Individual, differentiated materials/activities/projects are used to accommodate needs of high school students. (ex. Alternate materials, modified instructional strategies, modified plans, etc.)
- Evidence indicates the instructor is aware of different learning styles and utilizes them in the instruction. The high school teacher provides instruction using different modalities including lecturing, demonstration, simulation etc.
- The instructor utilizes a variety of curriculum materials and activities to encourage the acceptance of diversity as it relates gender, age, language, ability, race, religion, family structure, background, or culture. No evidence of bias was found in materials, displays, lesson plans etc
- Academic Integration
- The instructor provides learning experiences, group work and projects that require higher order academic skills beyond acquiring knowledge and understanding, such as application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Include a lesson plan with assessed student work for each of the domains: application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
- Are multi-media and/or web-based materials used in the training process to meet individual learning styles?
- Do performance and knowledge-based tests contain, in writing, the following:
- Objectives of the test
- Step-by-step instructions
- Realistic time limit for completion
- Indication of quality/exactness standard
- Rating or grading scale
- Updated assorted specialized workbooks, manuals, textbooks and/or resource books (hardcopy or digital) are available to support the program goals.
Plan to improve literacy
Standards – A comprehensive process to prepare students for career transition is in place. Students are given co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities that support career goals. Students are supported and recognized by staff.
- Describe your career awareness and employability plan across the three years of coursework
- List student demographics, graduation rates
- Is there a procedure in place to track the graduates of the program?
- Students have mastered proficiencies in the pathway.
- Provide the number of students taking and passing the End of Pathway Assessment for the past three years:
- Number of pathway completers for the past three years including this school year:
- Students are affiliated with SkillsUSA at the state and national level.
- Robust membership – may be waived with explanation
- Students participate in State Conference
- Student leadership participates in at least one out of school leadership event or activity that is not state conference
- SkillsUSA chapter applies for Chapter of Excellence Program
- Past and current year applications should be provided
- Students are made aware of Learning for Life Explorer Posts, Peer Court, Teen Court, and similar opportunities offered in the community and such entities are allowed to present to students or otherwise market such offerings where appropriate.
- Opportunities are provided for students to participate in work based learning experiences in high school. # for last few years
- LPS teacher and WBL Coordinator communicate concerning training plans and mentor
- Students have individual career plans and portfolios
- Describe how students are encouraged to take licensing or certification tests that are industry recognized
- Describe your recognition system for outstanding student performance.
- Explanation of career counseling opportunities
- Documentation of industry guest speakers regarding career opportunities
- Description of field trips taken to expose students to career opportunities
Standard – Program works with industry and community to maximize student engagement and employment. Industry has a clear voice in program direction.
- Does the Advisory Committee meet two or more times per year, and are the agendas and minutes on file?
- Is there a listing of the Advisory Committee members available?
- Example of correspondence to the committee
- The program is promoted within the community.
- Advisory committee is representative of the school population and composed of the membership recommended in the state WBL manual
- The advisory committee is actively involved with SkillsUSA eg. preparing for competition, judging competition, working with community service projects, fundraising etc.
- Attach documentation indicating that your program’s goals and objectives are reviewed at least annually by your advisory committee and school administrators.
- Is public relations information about your program distributed on a continuous basis?
- Press releases, newspaper articles, etc.
- Community service projects
- What is your plan to maintain and/or improve industry participation in your program?
When a program becomes recognized, it receives a “stamp of excellence” which represents the apex of program quality. Only those programs that have successfully undergone rigorous reviews by leaders from business and industry are recognized with this distinction. Certification is for 5 years. After 5 years certified programs go through a follow up review that is less rigorous, but very thorough to make sure programs are still of the highest quality.
- Classrooms and labs which are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology
- CTAE and academic performance standards that are aligned to national standards
- In-depth, project-based instruction in all curriculum areas
- Appropriate and varied Career Related Education (CRE) instruction
- Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) which offer co-curricular competitive events on the local, state and national level and provide leadership development skills for personal and professional growth
- Business, industry and community involvement in all aspects of the program
- Program improvement through grants (available in some states) and administrative prioritization
- The student is ensured participation in a program that has been carefully interfaced with current industry standards thus helping to increase their qualifications toward successful employment.
- The curriculum and the delivery method for that curriculum taught to students are improved and updated enabling the student to receive high quality instruction.
- The school is viewed as having exceptional programs. Through the industry certification process, schools are better able to align curriculum with recognized standards to aid with providing better career opportunities for students.
- Communities understand that schools which pursue this distinction are committed to improving student preparation and ensuring that their workforce meets the demands of the 21st century.
- It represents that they have had meaningful involvement in public education and have contributed to the development of a highly-skilled, future workforce for our states.
State Adaptability
- The National Program of Excellence process can be modified to meet state objectives. Interested states should reach out to
- For example, the Georgia evaluation is called “Industry Certification” to meet state CTE semantics.
- Evaluation items can be added and metrics adjusted to meet state policies.
Certification Support Team

Sandra Martin
Georgia LPS Program Specialist
Tom Washburn
Master Teacher & LAPSEN Executive Director
Bob DiPietro
National Fire Science Pathway Specialist
Timothy Hart
National Law Enforcement Pathway Specialist
Marybeth Henry
National Emergency Pathway Specialist
Jeff Branyon
National Forensics Specialist