Criminal Law Lesson Plans

Criminal Law (CrL) Course

The CrL course is the second course for a LS pathway.

To learn more about LAPSEN Courses and Standards – Click Here

Be sure to review the entire course standards first – Click Here

Industry Recognized Credential for this pathway (taken the third course – Civil Law) – Click Here


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This is not student curriculum – these are instructor unit lesson plans.

Lesson Plans

Resources are always being added. Check back from time to time.

ALP Review Guide should be a part of every unit for all three years of the course Click Here for the Blueprint

Literacy – with emphasis on writing and grammar – must be a key part of all units of study! Learn ways to intentionally add literacy. 

Please – submit YOUR lessons and resources. Email to learn how. 

The lesson plans for the legal services pathway were created, in part, from a generous grant from the

Georgia Bar Foundations’ IOLTA Grant. 

Section 1: Legal Careers

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 7 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

This is currently an “edit” share link – please be careful not to edit!

Writer – M Keough 

Objective 1: Describe the various careers available in the field of criminal law

Objective 2: Demonstrate job interview skills and interview preparation steps

Section 2: Legal Skills - Research and Writing

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 15 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – D Walker 

Objective 1: Research precedent that applies to criminal justice

Objective 2: Present legal conclusions based on precedent and statutes

Objective 3: Draft legal motions

Section 3: Substantive Criminal Law

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 20 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – W Hall

Objective 1: Describe important components necessary to proving a criminal charge

Objective 2: Describe the elements required to prove common criminal charges and defenses

Objective 3: Explain how crimes are classified

Objective 4: Apply criminal law statutes to fact patterns to determine if a crime has been committed

Section 4: Search and seizure of property

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 20 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – J Borgquist

Objective 1: Explain major components of the 4th amendment

Objective 2: Describe what a search warrant is and how it is used

Objective 3: Describe important exceptions to 4th amendment search requirements

Objective 4: Apply 4th amendment standards to search scenarios

Section 5: Arrests and Stops

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 15 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – J Borgquist 

Objective 1: Describe standards of proof that apply to arrests and stops

Objective 2: Describe how the 4th amendment applies to arrests and stops

Objective 3: Apply 4th amendment standards to arrest scenarios

Section 6: Confessions and Miranda Law

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 10 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – pending submission 

Objective 1: Explain important precedent governing interrogation law

Objective 2: Apply Miranda standards to questioning and confession scenarios

Section 7: Criminal Pre-Trial and Trials

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 15 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – pending submission 

Objective 1: Explain the function of major hearings in the criminal pretrial process

Objective 2: Explain common pretrial motions

Objective 3: Describe constitutional rights that apply in criminal trials

Section 8: Criminal Law Offices

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 10 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – C Furtick 

Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of how a law office operates

Objective 2: Describe how income is generated in a law office and what costs are incurred at a law office

Section 9: Criminal mock trials to enhance legal analysis, writing, and communication

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 19 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – W. Hall

Objective 1: Describe the mock trial process and legal documents contained in a mock trial case

Objective 2: Analyze case materials to determine what information is helpful and harmful to proving a case

Objective 3: Draft witness examination questions and answers using professional language and grammar

Objective 4: Demonstrate substantive trial skills in an organized and professional manner

Objective 5: Analyze and interpret legal documents and laws to develop conclusions in a case

Objective 6: Convey relevant legal information in an organized and cohesive opening statement or closing argument

Objective 7: Present a well organized trial presentation that utilizes professional language and focuses on satisfying all applicable legal standards

Section 10: Criminal case sentencing and post-trial

Unit Lesson Plan Time: 15 hours

Unit Lesson Plans – Click Here

Writer – D Bean and W Hall

Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the sentence phase in a criminal case

Objective 2: Describe plea agreements and how they are used in a criminal case

Objective 3: Describe how a criminal appeal operates

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