Detention and Corrections Course

Under Development for Fall 2024

Detention and Corrections (DC) Course

The DC course is the intermediate course for a DC pathway. DC is also used as an advanced course in many Law Enforcement Pathways.

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the criminal justice system, focusing on the role and responsibilities of detention officers and correctional professionals. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various components involved in the correctional field, including the purpose of detention facilities, rehabilitation strategies, and the ethical considerations associated with working in corrections.

Instructional Plans & Resources

LAPSEN Unit Plans

LAPSEN will have a complete course (120-150 hours) of unit lesson plans available to members – Fall of 2025

Other Lesson Plan Sources

California Educators Together– The great state of California has an insane amount of resources and lessons. Be sure to search with different key words. You do have to have an account – but they give them to all teachers: Click Here

Texas CTE Lesson Plans – They have some materials for Law & Public Safety: Click Here



National Institute of Corrections – the national agency over corrections. Research, news and ressources: Click Here

Georgia Department of Corrections YouTube Channel – dozens and dozens of videos on a varity of topics from careers to “Meth Madness”: Click Here Links Page – is a page with great stuff, but their links page is the Holy Grail: Click Here

International Corrections & Prisons Association – A ton of research. I mean “copious” doesn’t begin to descpribe it. Most of the research requires you to join – but maybe your school will pay? Worth looking around: Click Here

Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) for this Course

Basic Detention Officer (BDO) Certification 

The Basic Detention Officer is currently being designed.

Anticipate this IRC being ready Fall 2025

MicroCredentials (MC) for this Course

All MicroCredentials are being developed and should be ready in 2024. 

National Detention and Corrections Course Standards

Under development 

Working Course Objectives:

Introduction to Criminal Justice System:

Explore the structure and functions of the criminal justice system, with a specific focus on the role of detention and corrections.

Understand the interactions between law enforcement, the courts, and correctional institutions.

Detention Facilities and Operations:

Examine different types of detention facilities, including jails and juvenile detention centers.

Analyze the daily operations, security measures, and challenges faced by detention officers.

Correctional Processes:

Study the procedures involved in the correctional process, from intake and classification to release.

Explore the methods used for rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

Investigate the legal and ethical dilemmas faced by professionals in detention and corrections.

Discuss the rights of inmates and the responsibilities of correctional staff in ensuring fair and humane treatment.

Communication and Conflict Resolution:

Develop effective communication skills essential for interacting with inmates, colleagues, and other criminal justice professionals.

Explore conflict resolution techniques and strategies for maintaining a secure and orderly environment within detention facilities.

Technology in Corrections:

Understand the role of technology in modern corrections, including surveillance systems, electronic monitoring, and database management.

Evaluate the benefits and challenges associated with technological advancements in the correctional field.

Career Exploration and Readiness:

Explore various career paths within the detention and corrections field.

Develop skills and knowledge necessary for pursuing further education or entering the workforce in related professions.