For-Profit Organizations

Any company may be a part of LAPSEN that has products and services that have been viewed as of value by secondary school, LPSCS, career programs. At least two career programs must vouch for the value of what the company offers. If accepted the company will receive the following benefits:

  • Have its logo on the LAPSEN website with a link to the company’s website
  • A description of the services or benefits the company offers on the LAPSEN website
  • The company will also be asked to reciprocate by providing information on about LAPSEN on the company website with a link
  • Opportunity to have input into LAPSEN, planning, and development,
  • Access to exhibit and do a session at LAPSEN conferences, as well as workshops and specialized meetings, where appropriate
  • May designate people to receive the e-newsletter
  • Join the for-profit section of LAPSEN which is represented on the LAPSEN Board as a non-voting member.

Membership for For-Profit Organizations must go through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) process.

If interested contact LAPSEN at