North Carolina IP 41

This is the main resource page for IP41 for North Carolina. It closely matches the LAPSEN LE course. Most materials are applicable to other states. If you have any questions or find dead links or similar, email

We encourage you to submit YOUR lesson plans and resources to share. Reach out to to learn more. 


Make a copy for your own use.

Once you have your own copy, you can modify assignments that can be shared with students.

This is not student curriculum – these are instructor unit lesson plans.

This link is the 2014 course design – click here

REMINDER – Google Docs requires you to “make a copy” so you can create your own materials and edit/save them for your lessons. Do not “request” access – Make a Copy.  




Understand history, crime awareness & causes of crime.


Understand the history of law enforcement.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand Bill of Rights and the rights of citizens and police.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand causes of crime and Uniform Crime Reporting.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand law, criminal justice and trial proceedings.


Understand general provisions of criminal and case law.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand the criminal justice system .

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson on CJS by Josh Clark – Click Here

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson on Trial Process by Josh Clark – Click Here

   2.03 Understand the trial process.

Understand correctional and juvenile systems.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Wendell Sessoms & Josh Clark – Click Here

   3.01 Understand the corrections system.
   3.02 Understand the juvenile justice system.

Understand procedures of arrest in law enforcement.


Understand laws of arrest.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson for Standard 1 by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand laws of search and seizure.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson for Standard 2 by Josh Clark – Click Here


Understand procedures of ethics used in law enforcement.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here

   5.01 Understand agency policies.
   5.02 Understand professional ethics in law enforcement.

Apply procedures for traffic investigation used in law enforcement.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Wendall Sessoms & Josh Clark – Click Here

   6.01 Apply procedures in traffic enforcement and vehicle stops.
   6.02 Apply procedures in accident/crash investigation.
   6.03 Apply procedures in driving while impaired investigations. 

Apply procedures used in crime scene investigation.

LAPSEN ILPS Lesson Plan Project lesson by Wendall Sessoms and Josh Clark – Click Here

   7.01 Apply procedures used in crime scene processing.
   7.02 Apply procedures used in handling evidence.
   7.03 Understand evidence specialization.  

Understand patrol tactics & investigative work.


Understand basic law enforcement skills and knowledge.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson for Standards 1 & 2 by Josh Clark – Click Here

   8.02 Understand the types of patrols.

Understand types of calls for service.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson for Standards 3, 4 & 5 by Josh Clark – Click Here

   8.04 Apply procedures for patrol investigations. 
   8.05 Understand patrol supervision.

Apply procedures used in career planning in law enforcement.

LAPSEN LE Course Lesson Plan Project lesson by Josh Clark – Click Here

   9.01 Apply personal qualifications and skills needed in law enforcement careers.
   9.02 Understand career opportunities in law enforcement.
   9.03 Understand past, present, and future trends in law enforcement.