
State Representative: Miranda Bright

  • Human Sciences & Education Career Field Specialist Office of Career, Technical, & Adult Education


  • P: (402) 937-5095

State Membership

If you are a Nebraska LPS instructor or administrator your LAPSEN membership is already paid for by the state membership. To join follow the steps below. Note: you must have a valid Nebrasksa address and work for a system in Nebraska.

  1. Go to the “Store” link at the top of the page.
  2. Click on “Membership”
  3. Choose “Individual”
  4. Click “Buy Now”
  5. Click on “Have a coupon?” in blue
  6. Enter: Nebraska
  7. Apply coupon
  8. Complete all the information and place order
  9. If you don’t have a Nebraska address but work in Nebraska, email

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