NECI 9-1-1

Nationally recognized 9-1-1 training and certification


NECI gives 9-1-1 Centers the tools and training they need to bring their training up to a standard that brings excellence and accountability to your 9-1-1 team members.

At NECI 9-1-1 we know that you want to be confident in your ability to be prepared as a department and empowered to train your 9-1-1 staff on your own schedule. In order to do that you need the training and resources that empowers you to train your team in-house.

The problem facing 9-1-1 centers today is that equipping their team with nationally recognized training is often time consuming and expensive, leaving them feeling like their department is unprepared. NECI understands emergency call centers are already stretched with their time and budgets. That’s why, for over 30 years we’ve equipped thousands of departments just like yours to bring their training in-house, saving them valuable time and money while providing their staff with the training they need to have.

NECI customers can utilize traditional in classroom training without NECI Instructor and Student courses. In addition to the traditional multi student training format, NECI also offers self-paced programs for Instructors and Students.


NECI Certification Basic Student courses include:

  • 9-1-1 Officer Basic Course
  • EMD Officer Basic Course
  • Fire Communications Basic Course
  • Communications Training Officer Course

This course is now available online through LAPSEN – Click Here 

NECI Instructor Certification Courses include:

  • 9-1-1 Officer Instructor Course
  • EMD Officer Instructor Course
  • Fire Communications Instructor Course
  • Communications Training Officer Instructor Course

This course is now available through LAPSEN – Click Here 


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