Resource Center
This page and the links from this page provides an array of information that we believe will be helpful to instructors and administrators teaching in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (LPSCS) Career Cluster as well as their partners in the related professions. We start with the basics: Programs of Study and definitions of the variety of career programs targeted for secondary school students.
Then we provide more specific information for what we consider important information for those teaching in the LPSCS Career Cluster arena and more specific information related to the five basic pathways in the cluster.
The products and services offered by our partners section provide information about how other instructors use those products and services and how to learn more about them. And finally, we list and provide some detail on the curriculum and other resources available to members, most of which are at little or no cost.
National Courses & Standards
The Law and Public Safety Education Network working under the framework of the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Career Cluster Model initiated a Standards and Accountability Development Project. The goal is to provide states and school systems a structural framework to guide local course development. The framework is broad by design to allow local choice, while also providing a structure that provides a national commonality. After each course is developed, LAPSEN plans to follow up with course instructional resources and lesson plans to support classroom teachers with materials that provide a starting point for implementation.
To see our courses and learn more about the instructional materials – Click Here

Click on a POS to learn more:
Programs of Study (POS)
Typically programs of study (POS) focus on one pathway such as law enforcement, security, and fire services, although in some cases multiple pathways will be covered in the same program of study. Each POS helps students determine what academic courses, job-related experiences, such as internships, and industry-recognized credentials are considered important for a students career and post-secondary education goals.
One of LAPSEN’s key partners, Advance CTE, defines programs of study as follows:, “(The Perkins Act) calls upon states to create sequences of academic and Career Technical Education coursework to help students attain a postsecondary degree or industry-recognized certificate or credential, otherwise known as programs of study (POS).
At a minimum, according to the definition put forward in Perkins, programs of study must:
Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education elements.
Include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses.
Offer the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits.
Lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.”
We are gradually adding programs of study to our website. To the left you can find some that we have recently added. If you have a POS that you believe would be useful to others, please send it with any additional information you think useful to LAPSEN – Click Here to email us.
LAPSEN Members Resources
Members of LAPSEN receive a variety of benefits. For most, the key benefits will be access to a range of resources. Many of these are courses with lesson plans and student resources.
The Portal is a members only access area where materials are constantly being added.
In addition, we are developing a directory of all LPSCS Career programs at the secondary school level in the country.
The first step is joining our contacts list – CLICK HERE.
Then when you have time, complete a detailed account of your program – CLICK HERE
Our goal is provide all the resources our instructors and programs need to be successful.
Pathway & Course Resources